To get you started, here are 5 things that will help you ensure a great year for your bookkeeping business:
1. Plan your day, week, month, and year.
I used to hate Monday mornings - it seemed like every Monday a client would call with an issue that had to be resolved right away. It meant that I had to re-arrange everything I had planned and usually things would just go downhill from there.
To keep that from happening, why not developed a ritual of planning reviews that allow you to keep track of details as well as the big picture?
• At the end of every working day, spend the last 15 minutes going over your schedule for the next day. This would include focusing on what items you need to do yourself, and what items you need to delegate.
• At the end of the week, spend around 20 to 30 minutes reviewing what was accomplished during the current week and then move your attention to the upcoming week. On Monday morning, spend 15 minutes reviewing the coming week and month.
• Do the same thing at the end of each month. And since it's the New Year it's time to plan for next year!
2. Proactively anticipate your clients' needs.
It's much better to anticipate what your clients will need at various points throughout the week, the month, the quarter, semi-annually and annually, rather than playing catch up and putting out fires. Some of their needs will be driven by compliance deadlines such as pay dates, when tax returns are due, etc. Others will be driven by their specific needs or requests - like when they want to see financial reports.
After you've gathered all your client's information, enter it into a calendar program or client management software program of your choice. You can use Outlook and create a separate calendar for each of your clients or you could use a project management program called Basecamp.
3. Implement systems that support you and your bookkeeping services.
I am all about systems. It keeps you from having to reinvent the wheel every time. They have the power to transform a business from overwhelm and barely making it to a smooth running engine with a nice fat bottom line.
4. Make time for marketing.
It is so important that you make time in your schedule to work ON your business. Instead of enduring the constant feast or famine cycle, come up with a weekly marketing plan that works for you and brings a consistent flow of work through your door.
5. Invest in yourself with ongoing education.
A bookkeeping service needs to keep current with accounting information. And as CEO of a bookkeeping service, you need support to manage it successfully. When was the last time you invested in yourself? Have you been to a seminar recently? Do you have a mentor to keep you on track and motivated?
If you need a boost this year check out The Bookkeeper's Club. You'll find proven systems for EVERY aspect of your business, coaching from me, and support and accountability from your peers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com